Thursday, July 12, 2012

Writer's Workshop ~ I don't wanna grow up!

This week, Mama Kat has asked us to list the 7 worst things about being an adult and at this point in my life, it's a very easy list.

1.  Feeling responsible for everyone and everything.  I always feel like the world is resting on my shoulders.  Although I know it's not true, I often feel like everyone's problems are either my fault or my responsibility.

2.  Making the hard choices.  Since Mom passed a few weeks ago, I have been faced with many decisions I've had to make, not only for myself, but for my husband and father as well.

3.  Being the bad guy.  Being an adult also means that after you've made all these decisions because of these feelings of responsibility, you often have to tell people things you know they don't want to hear.

4.  Bills.  Wouldn't it be great if none of us had to pay bills and could just spend our hard-earned money on the things we want and love?

5.  Aches and pains.  The closer I get to 40, the more things hurt.  It never used to matter what kind of mattress I had, now I wake up off and on all night having to reposition because this or that hurts.

6.  Not enough "Me Time".  I remember being bored somewhere in the neighborhood of 99% of my childhood.  Now, I'd kill for the time to be truly bored.

7.  Dealing with grown children.  You think once the kids are grow up, parenting is over, but all it really means is that you still hate what they do but you can't do a damn thing about it.

So, that's my 7, what's yours?

Mama’s Losin’ It